Wish You Were Here! - Day 3
So now I own a net to fish the bits out of the pool and water testing strips. I have no idea what I am looking at with these test strips, something about pH and acid. I'll park that til later. It looks clean and I'm going in!
1st dip of the day and it's definitely the one that wakes you up. Once acclimatised it's bliss. Feeling like I am in Majorca again - except for the massive wagon that's just gone down the main road behind me and the bus which has just ground to a halt with it's squeaky brakes, I sit back ..... and relax.
Then, up pops the the Amazon man. bit shocked but I channel my best Ursula Andres, rise from the water all confident and watch him go a bit red. 'Er, I'll leave it there'. He said shuffling off. Well I made an impression today at least!
Time for that coffee and to start my new book which I've saved for this 'holiday' since Christmas. Slap on the sun cream for the midday heat and kick back, ignoring the screams of the kids who are out now and going crazy in the pool. I've enjoyed playing volleyball with Ryan - who frankly makes up the rules as we play - but somehow I have managed to win 1 and lose 1 - so we have a tie to play tomorrow.
Don't even get me started on the shopping fiasco. After the Asda app stopped responding last night I scrabbled to get an Iceland one booked. This was important as up to now we'd isolated with no ice cream and no beers!
Delivery due between 5 and 7 it turned up at 6.45 and the guy said all the beers had smashed in the van, he'd be back in 5 mins. Well he never returned. No beers ! I had 1 glass of red wine left in the bottle. Nothing like the same as the cold beer I'd been dreaming of all day. I drank it anyway, and it really was nothing like the cold beer I'd been dreaming of all day!!
Finally got the kids out of the pool at 7pm. Water everywhere! They had been playing 'tsunami' and 'whirlpool' which basically involve splashing and screaming - sorry neighbours, but you try shutting my kids up!
So I finished off the evening, sat on the only dry garden step with my beautiful bright pink flowers - thanks mum n dad! Glass of vino in hand and wearing my planned 3rd night outfit - my favourite silver skirt and large earrings.
And that is les vacances a la maison - day 3 - Done!
Please feel free to leave a comment below. I've just figured out how to reply so I would like to have a go!
' My husband purchased a world map and then gave me a dart and said, “Throw this and wherever it lands—that’s where I’m taking you when this pandemic ends.” Turns out, we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge. '
To catch up on days 1 and 2 - click through here -
DAY 1 - https://www.olganna.com/blogs/news/holiday-plans-thwarted-by-corona-make-the-best-of-it
DAY 2 - https://www.olganna.com/blogs/news/back-yard-vacation-day-2
Still dithering as to whether to buy more bunnies, I really don’t need any more, so got waylaid by your blog. Only 2 and a bit years late but seems like you all made the most of your at home holiday! Love that you dressed up anyway.
Don’t you just love random comments from random past customers.
I hope you’ve had a proper holiday since then.. and managed to have some ice cream and cold beer!
Thanks Helen, I love this one. It’s elasticated and very comfy round the middle, and flowy so great in hot weather. I wear it with leggings in winter – I like to get my money’s worth!
Looking good in the silver skirt!